Hello WASC Families!
I hope you are having a great Spring Break.
We are a week away from officially starting a new Spring Soccer season. YAY!!
And this season is kicking off with a big surprise... The snack bar is coming back !!!
As many of you have requested, and thanks to the help of a few WASC families, we are ready to open our snack bar at the Wyomissing Quarry Soccer Fields.
The goal is to open the snack bar on Saturdays and Sundays during the home WASC Travel Teams and Intramural games (from 04/06 through 05/12).
But this could ONLY happen with your support.
We will need help from parents/families to work the Snack Bar, and to provide donations!
Please click on the links below to sign up on the available options to support our snack bar operations:
Snack Bar Sign Up
We have scheduled "shifts" of roughly 1 hour. If you can sign up for 2 straight hours would be much appreciated !!
The first "shift" of the day will open the snack bar 15 mins before the kickoff of the first game.
The last "shift" of the day will close approximately 15 mins after the last game ends.
Snack Bar Donations
We would love to start the operations and sell items coming from WASC families' and local companies' donations.
After we get some "momentum", we would be able to purchase more and new items to sell at the snack bar.
All the proceeds will be used to support and provide improvements for our future soccer stars.
We tremendously appreciate your support!!
Kaufmann, Avalos, Roth, and Loose families
Have a great Easter weekend!!
Spring Soccer Season dates:
- Little Dribblers will start on Tuesday 04/09 at 5:00 PM.
- Intramural will start on Sunday 04/07 at 10:45 AM.
- Travel teams league starts the weekend of 04/06.
Have a wonderful season everyone!!
Cristian Avalos