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Message from WASC President - Summer 2022


Hello Wyomissing Soccer Club Players and Families!!!

Congratulations on a fantastic Spring season! This spring we had a few notable club endeavors that we are proud to announce went great.

First, we continued our "Little Dribblers" youth intro to soccer program for our U6 and below participants but under new leadership by Coach Eli Bowers and his team. This spring saw our highest numbers ever registered for this program and it was a huge success. We are excited to continue to offer this program in the fall under Coach Eli's leadership and hope to see even more registrants come fall time.

Second, we had our first NEW girls travel team come together and play their inaugural season in the U9 division (birth years 2013 and 2014) under Coach Alex Biela's direction. The girls had a great season, lots of fun, and are looking forward to continuing together and strengthening our female participation at our travel levels. Congratulations to the young women of our travel program.

Our Intramural program expanded to include participants up to age 10 this spring under the leadership of board member Zachary Helenek. Zach has done a tremendous job revamping and restructring this "learn to play" program and we look forward to continuing to grow this in the coming fall as a stepping stone towards our travel teams.

As for our travel program, in addition to the new girls U9 team, we saw the addition of TWO boys U9 teams this spring and were able to offer travel teams at every male age group as well as our two female teams. This marks the most travel teams Whymossing Soccer Club has had in one season for quite some time. We are looking to continue to grow and support our travel teams moving forward.

With all that said, we are looking forward to our Fall Season and will officially be opening the club registration for the Fall at this time. We ask that you continue to support our club and its youth and secure your registration early. There are a couple of important items to look out for during your registration so please read on:

1. Our Little Dribblers program will continue to run for our U4-U6 (ages 3-5) participants. These are children birth years 2017 and after. This is an excellent program to get your child active and have them start to enjoy soccer in a stress free, play oriented fashion.

2. Our intramural program will now be offered for our U7-U9 participants (birth year 2014 -2016). For those participants who played in the spring and were born in 2012, as well as those 2013 birth years we'd like to encourage thinking about registering for our travel league. I recognize this may be scary if you've never been involved in travel soccer, however the league our teams play in is solely a Berks County league so the "travel" is not far. Also, we make it a point to place our teams at the appropriate competition level to ensure all our participants enjoy their experience and most importantly, everyone has a fun time.

3. Our travel program will continue to be offered starting at the U9 (birth year 2014) for both our female and men's divisions. We are hoping to be able to offer multiple female teams dependent on registration numbers, as well as continue to grow our boys teams in tandem. If you have any interest in coaching, assisting, or working with our travel league through the club please don't hesitate to reach out to me or any of the board members.

Regarding the Quarry, we have made significant improvements and investments into our facilities with new field management and lining contracts; improvements to the parking lot and drainage; improvement to the lights and safety; work to clean up the quarry; replacement of the picnic tables, nets, corner flags, and other equipment. If you see or feel any other improvements are vital at this time that you feel are overlooked or not noticed, please don't hesitate to let us know.

And finally, we, the board, are always looking for new volunteers to assist in our club organization and have a few open board positions as well as at large positions available. If you have any interest please let us know. We are always looking for new help.

Thanks and again, congrats on a great Spring and we look forward to an even more exciting fall!

Eric Slotkin

WASC President

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